Dall’antica tradizione pasticcera toscana i classici cantucci alle mandorle (tradizionalmente abbinati al Vin santo), con cioccolato extra fondente e nocciole (ottimi col caffè) e con scorze di arancia candite (da provare con un vino passito.
For information about prices and shipping service send an email to info@dolceforte.it
Payment by bank transfer or PayPal is available
Who we are
The shop opened in 1999 in Via della Scala, just a short walk away from Santa Maria Novella train station, sourcing and selling Italian gourmet foods. We stock high-end chocolate products, hand-made biscuits, balsamic vinegar, truffle sauces and PGI extra virgin olive oil, all carefully selected from top producers. We take special care to represent companies who prioritise use of environmentally-friendly production methods and locally-sourced ingredients and whose products combine innovation with a strong commitment to passing on the traditional recipes and wholesome flavours of old.
Dolceforte Sas.
Di Carradori Elena & C
Via della Scala, 21 50123 - Firenze Phone: (039) 055-219116 Fax: (039) 055-219116